Sunday 27 November 2011

Let's Dance' Film poster analysis

Based on our research and development my group and I decided on our target audience that our short film will be based on which is the theme ‘obsession’. We had to organise and research the advantages and disadvantages of the terminology of our attraction that we trying to give to our audience in order to make our film very successful and interesting to watch.
As our group gathered all the information about our target audience and what interests they will require I have produced my own individual film poster and me and my group had decided to call our film 'Let’s dance' in which was produced on Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Posters occupy a space between art and advertising. They have a clear commercial purpose - to promote an event or product - but they also have artistic value. People buy them and hang them on their walls. Museums have whole galleries devoted to poster art. When analysing a poster it is important that you evaluate both how well it fulfils its purpose (promotion) as well as its aesthetic value
The main colours used in this posters are blue and Black. Black is the most eye catching colour, in this poster and it could emphasise dark actions which may foreshadow in the rest of the story through black it could also represent death in which will occur in some part of the opening sequence, in which how Emma will overcome this will be essentially significant in how she deals with the negative reacting to positive. Also will represent that all the celebrities have a rough patch in their lives in order to complete their quest to be the greatest which motivates the audience and also our character.  Anybody who likes sporty based in films will be drawn to this poster and may feel to find out more about this film as it may be different for the rest in which the idea of dance is underused in creating short films. The girls hair is elegant and extremely glamorous to show is may represent a stereotypical rich girl in which our group used this proposal from a different perspective as colours will be quite dark etc in her experience. We also used these colours as they are common in both sexes as if for example if we would have used 'pinks,yellows, orange's' it would have been a feminine poster in which wouldnt clarify that the poster is suitable for both sexes.  However, as we all know, a film’s quality doesn’t necessarily crossover into the realm of poster design in which this case may be present.
There are a lack of symbols on this poster as there was no need to give everything to the audience staright away as a sterotypical film would bore them. Music will definately feature in the film in which the poster alerts us of this in different colours for effect.  The poster has all the right conventions for it to inform us about it being an 8-20 year olds film.
A medium long shot has been used to show her dark expression. This creates mystery as we don't fully know what to expect from her character except that we will see the downfall of her sanity in the film. No sex appeal can be added as we see in most high rated films. As it will add to realism in which more young females than males will go and watch it, but the moral behind it can relate to any gender. Also the image is a striking image representing the presence of our character etc and how fragile she may come across to the audience, in which will make the audience feel a range of sympathy for.
The woman is in the front of the frame in the middle in which can show that clearly all the attention is meant to be upon her, and you can see through the way she is dressed, that it has something to do with ballet or some sort of association with the hobby which is what the obsession is based upon. The location where she is represents people are watching her in essentially the spotlight is on the main protagonist in the short film leading to the location to be some sort of stage. The use of the spotlight beaming towards the characters suggests again that she is the main attraction in this poster in the sense that she is the unique selling point which will sell for teenagers or and anybody who likes seeing these things in movies will be interested in this film. The genre of the film is obsession which relates to the young generation which will inspire them to follow through in their dreams which in a sense can yet again relate to anyone, but mainly targeting teenagers going through adolescence.
There are both visual and textual messages used all over this poster, the visually messages given by the slogan is ‘Film that changed dreams'.My poster is trying to attract a young audience of around the age below 20 as we hope they will be attracted to this sort of film, because of the genre the colours and images represent. The caption reinforces and gives an insight in almost as if this is the film such as an starting point for many films to come which is also significant. Also other critic comments decorated around the audience make the audience even more persuaded to watch the film.
 The fonts also add an immature perspective to things as the stars are hand drawn to emphasise the films age group in which again will foreshadow what  may encounter in this certain age group. We gather certain ideas from this whether she may be in school or not or whether she is just a young adult with disability problems etc, which keeps the audience guessing. Bold headings , such as the title 'Let's dance' we know that the audience are in for a jam packed intense film which would also excite the audience. The title is located at the bottom because it is in a sense a pan shot as you would then have to analyse the to half of the poster to the bottom half , in which this way it would be more memorable as they are seeing this. Also it is at the bottom emphasising the last reminder not to miss out on our film.
If we were to use a role model such as Billy Elliot as a UPS.  His story would inspire people who have seen and liked him in whatever he has done previously would be interested in watching this film in which we can relate to our own character.

Critical Evaluation

  • The poster successfully fits the genre of the films and hints all the secondary items that may be used in the duration of the film without spoiling it.
  • It also fits the criteria of the target audience aimed at a particulary age group and also it appeals to both sexes to some extent
  • Has all the conventions on a film poster such as directed by, title , use of good colours etc and communicates with the audience with all these techniques
  • Applies to the market audience 
  • No unauthorised and bad language

- One criticism that I had recieved is that it looks to plain in my second draft of the poster I will add more fonts etc

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