Thursday 24 November 2011

Interview with Billy Elliot

As you know that the term of our main purpose is about a girl who has interest of become a ballet dancer. For my research I looked at other actors in film who had the same interest as the main character in our film and how they made their prolonged dream a reality. This will help my research of gaining new ideas of how to develop and bring out the attention of our character for the opening sequence and how they are portrayed throughout.

The second Ballet dancer that I found my research on is Billy Elliot
who similarly is in the same position as the Emma is in ours as they can both relate to areas in certain aspects.

Billy Elliot

Without wasting time I already had done my research on Billy I was looking forward to this interview as I was absolutely shell shocked that I was going to interview him of all people. I normally get unknown local rookies but not Billy Elliot!!!

I was so nervous but was aware that I had to keep the interview sharp, short and juicy.

1.    What was your childhood like?

Life in my younger days were pretty rough, I remember it like it was yesterday in which you can gather that in a sense I am still very young. Since I was young I have always had a passion for dancing. I lived with my widowed dad and my brother Tony and my Nan also. From young my dad dreamed that I was to become a boxer in which I lived up to it at a certain point in my life, where I was coming to terms that boxing was not for me. I wanted to be unique and try something different until I saw a poster of a ballet class in the gym notice board which is where from that moment on my life changed dramatically.

2.    Why was your dad so protective, surely a dad will be proud if you are happy and enjoying yourself?

I couldn’t blame him but he was restricting me from living my life. I was just a kid. I remember the day he came to my ballet class and saw me there. It was the saddest day in his life, the look on his face. He forbade me to go to the class; I never spoke to him that night. I felt as if I hated him, something inside of me were boiling up in anger, but he couldn’t stop me from going.

3.    We all want to know, what was it about dancing that made it so passionate?

I actually don’t know when u explore and you get that instant connection. The way and ability people have to stretch your legs up so high I wanted to learn how to do that along with other things. I don’t care if they call me a ‘poof’ which is what I am pretty sure what they called me behind my back but I only have to say one word look at me now.

4.    Briefly talk us through your training schedule?

WORK WORK WORK, This was a result of my success now. I was the more or less the only boy in the my class in which they use to laugh at me and stare at me almost as if to say what are you doing here, you don’t belong here etc. My schedule was so hectic doing Boxing, school and ballet all at the same time. In school I use to fall asleep in the same maths lesson, the teacher Mr. Sandy or something knew I wasn’t being my normal self but I dealt with that quickly and efficiently.

Seriously Billy..................

5.    What would you see yourself doing after the dancing career?

I can’t imagine myself doing anything else after it , maybe boxing ( laughing so loud , my ear drums bust), Guess we are just going to have to wait and see what the future has in store for a young boy for me. Guess something to do with ballet or dancing I suppose.

6.    And what advice would you give to anyone starting off in the ballet industry?

My motto in which I always told myself is that you should always try your best in everything you do and if you put your mind to it and practise practise practise as it makes perfect you will always become successful he concluded’. Also a teenager or aged 10 or over going through their adolescence years I think that’s the word that don’t let anyone hold you back and tell you what you cannot do, In which in my case my dad wanted me to be a boxer but I wasn’t for me so always explore and try different things cause you never know what this life has in store for us.

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