Tuesday 3 January 2012

High school musical

The location shows a colourful atmosphere which is seen similar to the one we are thinking of using to emphasise the mood of what we want our opening sequence to come across to the audience. This is where I got my idea from and built the storyline from using changed aspects of a girl’s bedroom.

I began to think what would be the most effective way to show this to the audience in which we used the props to their advantage familiarising the audience with our film hoping to be a teenage film drama. We wanted to do this to emphasise what sort of issues may happen in these years. Also within this short clip I wanted the character to look like and normal ordinary girl through her costume which is not just the only clip we could think of many can be shown through other clips as this is an worldwide theme in many films from many other clips.

However this clip was very useful for the platform of our ideas.

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