Thursday 5 January 2012

Question 3

Question 3 – What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Since that now we have made of our film in which consisted of three stages: Pre-production, Production and Post-production. This then is taken to a distribution market and then exhibited.
  • The first stage from all of these stages is someone has an initial idea for the film
  • Then, they create and outline of the story and go into further detail
  • The film is then approved and made by the participants
  • The film is completed and sent to the distribution market where they will make a licensing agreement to the company, determine how many copies of the film to make and also the screening represented to the buyers of the film (trailers).
  • The buyers then negotiate on the movies in which they wish to lease.
  • Prints are then sent to the cinema a few days before the opening.
  • The cinema will then show the movie for a couple of weeks
  • Then the audience will pay to see the film
  • Finally the cinema will then send the prints back and makes the payment on the lease agreement.

A distribution company in which I have researched upon is called Next wave film. Next Wave Films was established to support emerging filmmakers. While we can only furnish financing to a limited number of filmmakers, they ‘provide information to many independent filmmakers through phone calls, e-mail, articles, and public presentations. We can see this is an upcoming business looking into many different types of media to distribution films

Next wave films say that for many ‘independent filmmaker’s information is more important than money’. The articles on their site helped catalyze the ultra-low budget feature movement. The new model of production they present empowered many independents to make features.

We hope the content of our site will help free filmmakers from the belief that they must have the permission, approval, or resources of 3rd parties to make their films’.

Our site will evolve as ultra-low budget filmmaking does. When new tools and techniques come along, we will let you know about them. When new distribution routes open up we will give you a no-nonsense view. And when Next Wave Films launches a new initiative, we will announce it on the site’.

Straight away by their quotation marks they make extra low budget independent films with using English language features globally. This is useful to us as we can interpret our film into many different forms which will make our film more efficient and better. Next films also say that ‘independent filmmakers information is more important than money’ ,this is how we know that I can put my faith and trust in these distributors as they have our best interest at heart in which they are not trying to make money off us they are trying to spread the passion of film making.  In addition to this they also offer information through different types of media which may be useful to all of its distributors and support in how to make our film better advertised.

The second distribution company in which I done my research on is called York Entertainment which is an organisation which has been established for over 20 years. The services in which they provide are DVD, promotional campaigns and videos. This has the objective of to develop a successful business model that would create massive global sales specifically for Independent Films. With the ultimate goal of providing escapism and the best possible entertainment experience for movie lovers from all walks of life. York’s enormous library of Action, Urban, Horror, Drama, Comedy and Thriller films provides the diversity and selection necessary to continue to satisfy today’s market demands and to power the digital video revolution for years to come
So therefore if I were to present my film to York Entertainment given the main objective as my film doesn’t fit the category for any of the films but mentions ‘to provide escapism and the best possible entertainment experience for movie lovers’ in which presents that if our genre was distributed by York Entertainment this could be the start of an exciting era for the teenage based genre. This excites my team and I and would relish at the chance of doing business with the opposing party.

Another distribution company in which I had familiarised myself with the position before is called Left films. They are ‘a dynamic based film distributors who are very passionate about films and film making’. Their currently specialise in many horror, sci-fi, action and comedy genre. The reason that I chose this film distributors company as they are a very modern company which is essential to our target audience and how we distribute in a way suitable for ‘teenagers’. However as they don’t specialise in our genre we can maybe persuade them and give a detailed argument as of why we think our film should open up a new genre for Left Films. But I would be willing to present my film to them as it is for building for the future and what the teenagers in adolescence want to see in the extent that they are the biggest market and easiest to approach. Lets Films offer a range of services such as DVD services which may be a problem as it is very limited.

Facebook is a prime and most common social media site with the biggest still growing number of registered members estimated around 42 million. It remains the 18th most visited website around the world and is the 7th most popular visited website in the US. Using this media as a method of film distribution having the selection of films advertised simply through the scheme of ‘Becoming a fan’ which has many elements pros and cons. This page has links to relevant websites promoting the film, follow inform of when the date will be released before and after marketing can be issued. Also it can attract a vast majority on the facebook news feed which can be visible to many other people increasing the amount of viewers when advertising this to the audience. Another advantage of using Facebook ‘Be a fan page’ is that when added to the group if I were to make a page I could ask for suggestions and feedback of what the audience would like to see in the film for future preferences which would be more efficient for the film makers

Another site that would be useful is Youtube. Youtube is also one of the most popular sites visited in the world if not one of the top 5. So just like Facebook if we were to publish our film on this site we could hopefully attract and audience. However being that Youtube  is one of the most busiest sites there may be a question that is anyone really going to look into our film being with more striking headlines and media displayed all over Youtube being more convenient to our generation. However, if successful likewise with Facebook feedback can be accessed through reviews and suggestions to improve. Also ratings are a key factor to distributing to the audience out of 5 and how we may improve. If we were to do this I would do a test run as we are able to see if the public would approve in which either way we are not losing neither gaining money

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