Friday 2 December 2011

Location Reece Final

For our preparation for producing our final piece of task which is to produce an opening sequence we have to prepare our equipments and any other accesories which will be used for our task. For this process I have indicated the locatiuon reece which will be filmed at the school.The reason for this is that its very convinient for our group so ,therefore there is no worries of taking any transport or anything that might cause any corruption to the camera or tripod. It will also be easier for the teachers assessing us as they wouldn't have to worry about anything happening also to the equipment.
These are the details of our location reece in which will be taken in variety of scenes shows the explantaion of any advantages or disadvantages which may occur while filming our opening scene. However as one of the members of staff told us the worng date for the room available in which having to move location for the third time we have now decided to do our opening sequence inside the school media production rom department as therefore we know that there will be no more further disruptions and let downs. In addition we had to therefore build our own set in which is a key skill for making a film also , in which our case we turned the room into a girls bedroom.

Location details: This is where the opening scene will take place just outside of the school.


  • It will look magnificant of how we can produce our opening scene starting from the sky showing aspects of the atmophere and the school. Also the shot is of a variety adding something different in the opening shot


  • At the certain type of day we need to occupy our time as school may become busy and over crowded in which may disturb our shot

  • Also we may encounter rain in which would ruin the shots in which is why I have used my initiative to post the weather forecast of the days in which we are filming below;


Location details: The media production room


  • Enabled us to create our own film set in which is always good for our media study skills .

  • Timing can be flexible as we know that room would always be availbale in which as before in which we lost our locations if we didn't finish all of our filming we would haven't of filmed everything in which we had needed to in which having our own did.


  • Space is very limited in the sense that he picked out one good corner of the whole room which was suitable to film in etc. This may be bad as most of our shots may be some the same angles which may see a lack of creativity in our opening sequence etc.

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