Tuesday 3 January 2012

Official STALKER

This film is called official stalker, it is based on a warzone story where a solider is trying to emulate his oponents, in which little does he know he has been beaten to it and backfires on him in which he is killed himself. The opening we catch a glimpse of the surroundings ( messed up buliding, blood everywhere) which sets the scene for the armed attack. Sound effects such as a water drop is played emphasising tension and also physically a tap has exploded.  The location fit the narrative very well because there was a lot of places where people could appear, or jump out from so we the viewers was intent in spotting anything out, almost to save him due to our fear. A lot of the building were vandalized and had smashed windows, doors etc. which suggests that some kind of war leading to conflict took place. This leaves the audience questions such as why is he all alone in this place?, what is his means to follow these enemies?, has he been sent or on command? etc. It almost made us feel that in the world of this film these three men were the only ones alive. This played with our emotions because we felt sorry for the man in the army costume even though he had a gun. Music is also played throughout the film where he is walking about cautiously until it reaches a point of stop where the aeroplanes cross over as from then the soldier is on his guard which the audience who what to expect from here now on. Then sound effects such as the soliders breathing this represents the pace and intensity of the story ascending and descending. The parallel music represented the mood of the character but not necessarily the world of the film in and out is heard for effect etc as we know something will happen when they encounter and also the emphasise the constant tempo and quickness of how it is percieved to the audience.All different types of camera shots for example cutterways, longshots to capture surroundings, over the shoulder shots to add suspense are all used frequently and very constructively which makes this a good short film. The close up shot of his foot kicking the can shows the detail and what his life depended on; it also creates tension for the viewers because we don’t want him to get caught. The handheld running shot leads us to fear something is going to happen; it left us on the edge of our seats due to the sudden pace change which built the intensity

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